December 18, 2008
Bethalto Public Library District
Board of Trustees Meeting
December 18, 2008
The meeting was called to order by Pat Beiermann, President.
Present: P. Beiermann, C. McMillen , M. Brown, E. Hauser, P. Stemmley, L. Gunderson, R. Hellemeyer
Absent: none
Also present: Mary Brewster, Library Director; Stacy and Kevin McRae, Accountants; Joe Schoppet, Auditor.
The minutes of the Board meeting of November 20, 2008, were approved as written.
Motion 1: It was moved by L. Gunderson and seconded by C. McMillen that bills in the amount of $32,402.44 be paid.
Ayes: P. Beiermann, C. McMillen , M. Brown, E. Hauser, P. Stemmley, L. Gunderson, R. Hellemeyer
Nayes: none
Absent: none
The Financial report was presented by Stacy and Kevin McRae. (See file)
Treasurer Beth Hauser reported that CDs have been purchased and moved to the Bank of Edwardsville.
The Librarian’s report. (See file)
Presentation of Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Audit by Joe Schoppet with Scheffel & Company (see report).
Discussed merchandising in the Library with display carts as a possible purchase. Board recommends to order.
Discussed plans for the School District to implement laptop computers for the Middle School next year and how this will affect the Library.
Kevin McRae discussed potential revenue sharing opportunities in the future.
The meeting was adjourned by P. Beiermann at 8:12 p.m.