November 20, 2008
Bethalto Public Library District
Board of Trustees Meeting
November 20, 2008
The meeting was called to order by Cheryl McMillen, Vice President.
Present: C. McMillen , M. Brown, E. Hauser, L. Gunderson, R. Hellemeyer
Absent: P. Beiermann, P. Stemmley
Also present: Mary Brewster, Library Director; Stacy and Kevin McRae, Accountants; Jody Scott, Library employee.
The minutes of the Board meeting of October 23, 2008, were approved as written.
Motion 1: It was moved by E. Hauser and seconded by L. Gunderson that bills in the amount of $32,267.10 be paid.
Ayes: C. McMillen , M. Brown, E. Hauser, L. Gunderson, R. Hellemeyer
Nayes: none
Absent: P. Beiermann, P. Stemmley
The Financial report was presented by Stacy and Kevin McRae. (See file)
The Librarian’s report. (See file)
CD – Deposti $20,000 at 4% at TheBank of Edwardsville for 17 months.
Discussed expenditures for faucets in bathrooms.
Discussed power bill for Little House. Focused on lighting.
Allow 1 renewal on DVDs – recommended, discussed.
Discussed automatic renewal policies.
Motion 2: It was moved by L. Gunderson and seconded by R. Hellemeyer to approve the recommended photocopy prices (see Library Director’s report) and to allow one renewal on movies (dvds and vhs).
Ayes: C. McMillen , M. Brown, E. Hauser, L. Gunderson, R. Hellemeyer
Nayes: none
Absent: P. Beiermann, P. Stemmley
Motion 3: It was moved by E. Hauser and seconded by M. Brown that Ordinance 2008-9, Levy Ordinance – Building and Equipment Fund, be adopted.
Ayes: C. McMillen , M. Brown, E. Hauser, L. Gunderson, R. Hellemeyer
Nayes: none
Absent: P. Beiermann, P. Stemmley
Motion 4: It was moved by M. Brown and seconded by R. Hellemeyer that Ordinance 2008-10, Levy Ordinance – General Fund, be adopted.
Ayes: C. McMillen , M. Brown, E. Hauser, L. Gunderson, R. Hellemeyer
Nayes: none
Absent: P. Beiermann, P. Stemmley
Motion 5: It was moved by E. Hauser and seconded by L. Gunderson that Ordinance 2008-11, Levy Ordinance – Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, be adopted.
Ayes: C. McMillen , M. Brown, E. Hauser, L. Gunderson, R. Hellemeyer
Nayes: none
Absent: P. Beiermann, P. Stemmley
Motion 6: It was moved by R. Hellemeyer and seconded by L. Gunderson that Ordinance 2008-12, Levy Ordinance – Audit Fund, be adopted.
Ayes: C. McMillen , M. Brown, E. Hauser, L. Gunderson, R. Hellemeyer
Nayes: none
Absent: P. Beiermann, P. Stemmley
Motion 7: It was moved by M. Brown and seconded by E. Hauser that Ordinance 2008-13, Levy Ordinance – Liability Insurance Fund, be adopted.
Ayes: C. McMillen , M. Brown, E. Hauser, L. Gunderson, R. Hellemeyer
Nayes: none
Absent: P. Beiermann, P. Stemmley
Motion 8: It was moved by R. Hellemeyer and seconded by E. Hauser that Ordinance 2008-14, Levy Ordinance – Social Security Fund, be adopted.
Ayes: C. McMillen , M. Brown, E. Hauser, L. Gunderson, R. Hellemeyer
Nayes: none
Absent: P. Beiermann, P. Stemmley
At 7:55 p.m. the Board went into executive session.
At 8:05 p.m. the Board returned to regular session.
Motion 9: It was moved by L. Gunderson and seconded by R. Hellemeyer to approve Holiday Bonuses as discussed in executive session: Shelvers (3) at $25 each, Clerks (7) at $50 each, Supervisors (4) at $100 each, Director (1) at $250, Accountants (1) at $100.
Ayes: C. McMillen , M. Brown, E. Hauser, L. Gunderson, R. Hellemeyer
Nayes: none
Absent: P. Beiermann, P. Stemmley
The meeting was adjourned by C. McMillen at 8:10 p.m.